Законы России  


По состоянию на ноябрь 2007 года
Стр. 4
       - того, что ходатайство заявителя об освобождении от 4 сентября
   2001  г.  и его жалоба на Судебное решение от 13 марта 2002  г.  не
   были рассмотрены "безотлагательно";
       -  того,  что не были рассмотрены кассационные жалобы заявителя
   на  Постановление от 9 января 2002 г. о продлении срока  содержания
   под стражей;
       - того, что жалобы заявителя на Судебные решения от 18 ноября и
   4 декабря 2002 г. не были рассмотрены по существу.
       IV. Предполагаемое нарушение пункта 1 статьи 6 Конвенции
       209. По своей инициативе Европейский суд поставил вопрос о том,
   соответствовала   ли  продолжительность  судебного  разбирательства
   уголовного дела в отношении заявителя требованиям пункта  1  статьи
   6  Конвенции,  который  в  части,  применимой  к  настоящему  делу,
       "Каждый...  при  предъявлении ему любого  уголовного  обвинения
   имеет   право   на...  разбирательство  дела  в  разумный   срок...
                           1. Доводы сторон
       210.    Власти    Российской    Федерации    утверждали,    что
   продолжительность   судебного   разбирательства   была    разумной,
   учитывая  объем  уголовного дела (22 тома),  количество  подсудимых
   (21   человек)  и  свидетелей  (более  100  человек),   привлечение
   переводчиков,  регулярные  неявки  адвокатов  подсудимых,   включая
   адвоката  заявителя,  в  суд, а также их ходатайства  об  отложении
   судебных заседаний по различным причинам.
       211.  Заявитель  утверждал, что только 12 томов  дела  касались
   существа  обвинения, в то время как в остальных содержались  только
   процессуальные документы. Следователи "искусственно раздули"  объем
   материалов   дела,  поскольку  они  предъявили  всем  подозреваемым
   обвинения в совершении тяжких и особо тяжких преступлений, не  имея
   достаточной  доказательственной базы. По мнению заявителя,  решение
   прокуратуры  об  отказе от значительной части  обвинения  во  время
   заключительных прений, а также вынесение оправдательного  приговора
   по  оставшейся  части обвинения подтверждали его  позицию.  Вопреки
   утверждениям  властей Российской Федерации свидетелей  было  61,  и
   каждый  из  них  давал показания на протяжении примерно  15  минут.
   Относительно переводчиков заявитель подчеркнул, что только по  вине
   национальных властей перевод не был обеспечен в должное время,  что
   повлекло   направление   дела   для  производства   дополнительного
   расследования  и  задержку  судебного  разбирательства.  По  поводу
   действий  адвокатов  заявитель сообщил, что в исключительно  редких
   случаях  судебное  заседание  откладывалось  из-за  отсутствия  его
   адвоката,  и, в любом случае, он был согласен на рассмотрение  дела
   в отсутствие адвоката.
       212. Заявитель утверждал, что наиболее значительные задержки  в
   ходе  судебного  процесса  были вызваны действиями  властей:  копии
   процессуальных  документов передавались подсудимым через  несколько
   недель  после  истечения  сроков,  установленных  законодательством
   Российской   Федерации.  У  рассматривавшего  его  дело   суда   на
   назначение  первого заседания (9 января 2002 г.) ушло  96  дней,  а
   перерывы   между  заседаниями  иногда  достигали  27  дней.   Время
   передачи  материалов  дела  из  Владимирского  областного  суда   в
   Верховный  суд  Российской  Федерации  было  чрезмерно   долгим   и
   составляло  от  25 до 40 дней. Наконец, с 10 июля  2003  г.  по  15
   марта  2004  г. Владимирский областной суд установил более  плотный
   график     судебных    заседаний,    чтобы    избежать    перерывов
   продолжительностью от двух до десяти дней.
                      2. Мнение Европейского суда
       213.  Период,  который  необходимо  принимать  во  внимание   в
   настоящем   деле,  начался  22  января  1999  г.,  когда  заявителя
   заключили  под  стражу. Он завершился 21 марта 2005  г.  с  отменой
   Верховным  судом  Российской Федерации обжалованных  постановлений.
   Таким  образом,  уголовный процесс по делу заявителя  длился  шесть
   лет и два месяца.
       214.  Европейский суд признал, что дело заявителя было довольно
   сложным,  так  как  оно касалось значительного числа  преступлений,
   связанных   с  оборотом  наркотических  веществ,  предположительно,
   совершенных   более   чем  20  лицами.  Необходимость   в   услугах
   переводчиков узбекского и таджикского языков еще больше  затрудняла
   дело.  Однако, по мнению Европейского суда, сложность дела сама  по
   себе   не  является  достаточным  основанием  для  его  длительного
       215.   Замечания  властей  Российской  Федерации  о  постоянных
   неявках  адвоката не были детализованы (они не указали даты  неявок
   или,   по  крайней  мере,  сколько  раз  адвокат  отсутствовал   на
   заседаниях)  и  не  были  подкреплены  доказательствами  (например,
   выдержками  из протоколов судебных заседаний). Поэтому  Европейский
   суд  счел несостоятельным заявление властей Российской Федерации  о
   том,  что задержки в судебном разбирательстве происходили,  главным
   образом, по вине самого заявителя.
       216. Вместе с тем Европейский суд признал, что главной причиной
   задержек  в  рассмотрении  дела было поведение  властей  Российской
   Федерации:  три  раза  Владимирский  областной  суд  был   вынужден
   возвращать  дело  для производства предварительного  расследования,
   чтобы  органы следствия могли исправить нарушения прав  обвиняемых,
   как,   например,  отсутствие  перевода  материалов  дела,  делавшее
   невозможным  рассмотрение  дела по  существу.  В  данном  контексте
   Европейский  суд  сослался  на свой вывод  в  разделе,  посвященном
   предполагаемому нарушению пункта 3 статьи 5 Конвенции, о  том,  что
   национальные  органы не проявили "особого усердия" при рассмотрении
   дела  заявителя  (см.  выше з 188). Этот  вывод  применим  также  и
   вопросу о продолжительности уголовного процесса.
       217.  Учитывая  все вышесказанное, Европейский  суд  счел,  что
   продолжительность    процесса    не   соответствовала    требованию
   "разумного срока". Соответственно, имело место нарушение  пункта  1
   статьи 6 Конвенции.
                   V. Применение статьи 41 Конвенции
       218. Статья 41 Конвенции гласит:
       "Если  Суд  объявляет, что имело место нарушение Конвенции  или
   Протоколов  к  ней,  а  внутреннее право  Высокой  Договаривающейся
   Стороны    допускает   возможность   лишь   частичного   устранения
   последствий   этого   нарушения,  Суд,  в   случае   необходимости,
   присуждает справедливую компенсацию потерпевшей стороне".
                         A. Материальный ущерб
       219.  Заявитель  требовал 14700000 долларов США, представляющих
   собой  сумму  убытков,  понесенных  им  в  период  заключения   под
   стражей.  Он  утверждал, что в результате незаконной конфискации  и
   опечатывания      документов     его      компании      российскими
   правоохранительными  органами  он  потерял   контроль   над   своим
   бизнесом,   и  на  него  были  возложены  существенные   финансовые
   обязательства,   так   как   его  компания   не   выполнила   своих
   обязательств  перед  банком-кредитором.  Заявитель  требовал  также
   6398,10  доллара  США  в качестве компенсации  потери  заработка  в
   течение пяти лет содержания под стражей.
       220.  Власти  Российской Федерации оспорили  наличие  причинно-
   следственной  связи  между предполагаемыми  нарушениями  и  утратой
   денежных  средств,  поскольку решение  о  привлечении  заявителя  к
   уголовной  ответственности  не являлось  предметом  рассмотрения  в
   Европейском   суде.  Они  указали  также  на  ошибки   в   расчетах
       221. Европейский суд согласился с властями Российской Федерации
   в    том,   что   не   было   причинно-следственной   связи   между
   установленными  нарушениями  и  материальным  вредом,   компенсацию
   которого  требовал заявитель (см. упоминавшееся выше  Постановление
   Европейского  суда  по  делу  "Сташайтис  против  Литвы",  з  96  и
   упоминавшееся выше Постановление Европейского суда по  делу  "Йечюс
   против  Литвы", з 106). Следовательно, Европейский суд не  усмотрел
   причин   присуждать   заявителю  какую-либо  сумму   в   возмещение
   материального вреда.
                           B. Моральный вред
       222.  Заявитель требовал 50 тысяч евро или любую другую  сумму,
   которую   Европейский   суд  признает  справедливой,   в   качестве
   компенсации морального вреда.
       223.  Власти  Российской  Федерации считали,  что  установление
   факта  нарушения  явилось бы достаточно справедливой  компенсацией.
   Они  утверждали  также,  что  после оправдания  заявитель  приобрел
   право на получении компенсации на национальном уровне.
       224.  Европейский  суд  отметил, что он установил  совокупность
   особо   тяжких   нарушений   при  рассмотрении   настоящего   дела.
   Заявитель,   который   так   и  не  был   осужден   за   совершение
   преступления,  провел более пяти лет под стражей в бесчеловечных  и
   унижающих достоинство условиях и часто перевозился в здание суда  и
   обратно   в   условиях,   которые   также   могут   быть   признаны
   бесчеловечными  и  унижающими  достоинство.  Содержание   его   под
   стражей  было  незаконным  более одного  года,  а  когда  оно  было
   "законным",  оно  не было достаточным образом обосновано.  Наконец,
   ему  неоднократно  было  отказано в его праве  на  безотлагательное
   рассмотрение правомерности содержания его под стражей.  При  данных
   обстоятельствах  Европейский  суд счел,  что  страдания  и  лишения
   заявителя не могли быть компенсированы простым установлением  факта
   нарушения.  Исходя  из  принципа  справедливости,  Европейский  суд
   присудил  заявителю полную сумму его требования плюс любые  налоги,
   которые могут быть взысканы с этой суммы.
                    C. Судебные расходы и издержки
       225.  Заявитель требовал 2 тысячи евро в качестве оплаты  услуг
   по   представительству  адвоката  Багрянского,  2  тысячи  евро   в
   качестве  оплаты  услуг по представительству адвоката  Гулаковой  и
   одну   тысячу  фунтов  стерлингов  в  качестве  оплаты   услуг   по
   подготовке   требований   о  справедливой   компенсации   адвокатом
       226.  Власти  Российской  Федерации  утверждали,  что  интересы
   заявителя в Европейском суде представляли Багрянский, Овчинников  и
   Москаленко.  В  материалах дела не содержалось никаких  документов,
   подписанных Гулаковой или Баурингом. В любом случае, по их  мнению,
   суммы, потребованные заявителем, были завышенными.
       227.  Европейский суд отметил, прежде всего, что заявителю была
   предоставлена правовая помощь в размере 701 евро для  оплаты  услуг
   по  представительству адвоката Багрянского. Так  как  заявитель  не
   обосновал судебные расходы, понесенные им в превышение этой  суммы,
   Европейский  суд  не  присудил ему ничего  в  качестве  компенсации
   судебных расходов и издержек. Что касается подготовки требования  о
   справедливой компенсации, Европейский суд отметил, что 2 июня  2005
   г.  Председатель Палаты отклонил ходатайство адвоката  Гулаковой  о
   разрешении  ей представлять интересы заявителя. Действительно,  имя
   Бауринга   встречается  после  требований,  но   он   не   подписал
   требования, и нет указаний на то, что заявитель заплатил  ему  что-
   либо  за  его  услуги. Соответственно, Европейский суд не  присудил
   заявителю  ничего  в  качестве  компенсации  судебных  расходов   и
              D. Процентная ставка при просрочке платежей
       228.  Европейский суд счел, что процентная ставка при просрочке
   платежей  должна  быть  установлена в  размере  предельной  годовой
   процентной  ставки по займам Европейского центрального  банка  плюс
   три процента.
       1)  постановил, что имело место нарушение статьи 3 Конвенции  в
   части,  касающейся  условий  содержания  заявителя  под  стражей  в
   учреждении ОД-1/Т-2 ("Владимирский централ");
       2)  постановил, что имело место нарушение статьи 3 Конвенции  в
   части, касающейся условий перевозки заявителя из учреждения ОД-1/Т-
   2 в здание Владимирского областного суда и обратно;
       3)  постановил,  что  нарушение пункта  1  статьи  5  Конвенции
   вследствие содержания заявителя под стражей в периоды с 4 мая по  8
   августа 2001 г. и с 9 января по 13 марта 2002 г. места не имело;
       4)  постановил,  что имело место нарушение пункта  1  статьи  5
   Конвенции  вследствие содержания заявителя под стражей в периоды  с
   8  августа 2001 г. по 9 января 2002 г. и с 13 марта 2002  г.  по  4
   декабря 2002 г.;
       5)  постановил,  что имело место нарушение пункта  3  статьи  5
       6)  постановил,  что имело место нарушение пункта  4  статьи  5
   Конвенции   вследствие  чрезмерной  продолжительности  рассмотрения
   кассационной  жалобы  заявителя на Судебное решение  от  28  апреля
   2001  г., его ходатайства об освобождении от 4 сентября 2001  г.  и
   его кассационной жалобы на Судебное решение от 13 марта 2002 г.;
       7)  постановил,  что имело место нарушение пункта  4  статьи  5
   Конвенции  вследствие того, что кассационные  жалобы  заявителя  на
   Постановление о продлении срока содержания под стражей от 9  января
   и  Судебные  решения  от  18 ноября и 4 декабря  2002  г.  не  были
   рассмотрены по существу;
       8) постановил:
       a)  что государство-ответчик обязано в течение трех месяцев  со
   дня  вступления  постановления в законную  силу  в  соответствии  с
   пунктом  2  статьи  44  Конвенции  выплатить  заявителю  50   тысяч
   (пятьдесят  тысяч)  евро  в качестве компенсации  морального  вреда
   плюс любые налоги, которые могут быть взысканы с этой суммы;
       b)  что с даты истечения вышеуказанного трехмесячного срока  до
   момента выплаты простые проценты должны начисляться на эти суммы  в
   размере,   равном   минимальному  ссудному  проценту   Европейского
   центрального банка плюс три процента;
       10)  отклонил  остальные  требования заявителя  о  справедливой
       Совершено  на  английском языке, и уведомление о  Постановлении
   направлено  в  письменном виде 8 ноября 2005 г.  в  соответствии  с
   пунктами 2 и 3 правила 77 Регламента Суда.
                                                   Председатель Палаты
                                                    Сэр Николас БРАТЦА
                                                 Секретарь Секции Суда
                                                          Майкл О'БОЙЛ
                            FOURTH SECTION
                     CASE OF KHUDOYOROV v. RUSSIA
                       (Application No. 6847/02)
                             JUDGMENT <*>
                        (Strasbourg, 8.XI.2005)
       <*>  This  judgment will become final in the circumstances  set
   out  in  Article  44 з 2 of the Convention. It may  be  subject  to
   editorial revision.
       In the case of Khudoyorov v. Russia,
       The European Court of Human Rights (Fourth Section), sitting as
   a Chamber composed of:
       Sir Nicolas Bratza, President,
       Mr G. Bonello,
       Mr {M. Pellonpaa},
       Mr K. Traja,
       Mr A. Kovler,
       Mr L. Garlicki,
       Mr J. Borrego Borrego, judges,
       and Mr M. O'Boyle, Section Registrar,
       Having deliberated in private on 11 October 2005,
       Delivers  the  following judgment, which was  adopted  on  that
       1.  The case originated in an application (No. 6847/02) against
   the  Russian Federation lodged with the Court under Article  34  of
   the  Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and  Fundamental
   Freedoms  ("the  Convention")  by  a  national  of  Tajikistan,  Mr
   Doniyor Toshpulotovich Khudoyorov, on 29 January 2002.
       2.   The  applicant,  who  had  been  granted  legal  aid,  was
   represented  before  the  Court by Mr  F.  Bagryanskiy  and  Mr  M.
   Ovchinnikov,  lawyers practising in Vladimir, Mrs K. Moskalenko,  a
   lawyer  with the International Protection Centre in Moscow, and  Mr
   W.   Bowring,  a  London  lawyer.  The  Russian  Government   ("the
   Government")  were  represented  by  their  Agent,  Mr  P.  Laptev,
   Representative of the Russian Federation at the European  Court  of
   Human Rights.
       3. The applicant alleged, in particular, that the conditions of
   his  detention in facility No. OD-1/T-2 and conditions of transport
   to  and from the courthouse had been incompatible with Article 3 of
   the  Convention,  that his pre-trial detention  had  been  unlawful
   after  4  May 2001 and also excessively long, that his applications
   for  release  filed  after 28 April 2001 had  not  been  considered
   "speedily",  if  at  all,  and  that the  length  of  the  criminal
   proceedings had been excessive.
       4.  The  application was allocated to the First Section of  the
   Court  (Rule  52 з 1 of the Rules of Court). Within  that  Section,
   the  Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 з  1  of  the
   Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 з 1.
       5.  On  13 February 2004 the Section President decided to grant
   priority to the application under Rule 41 of the Rules of Court.
       6.  On 1 November 2004 the Court changed the composition of its
   Sections  (Rule  25  з  1). This case was  assigned  to  the  newly
   composed Fourth Section (Rule 52 з 1).
       7.  By  a decision of 22 February 2005, the Court declared  the
   application partly admissible.
       8. The Government, but not the applicant, filed observations on
   the merits (Rule 59 з 1).
       9.  The Chamber decided, after consulting the parties, that  no
   hearing on the merits was required (Rule 59 з 3 in fine).
                               THE FACTS
                   I. The circumstances of the case
       10.  The  applicant  was born in 1965. On  17  August  1998  he
   arrived  in  Russia from Tajikistan. He stayed in Vladimir  at  his
   cousin's flat.
         A. The applicant's arrest and the search of the flat
       11.  On 22 January 1999 the applicant was arrested on suspicion
   of  the  unlawful purchase and possession of drugs.  A  search  was
   carried out in the flat where he was staying.
          B. The applicant's detention pending investigation
       12.  On 30 January 1999 the applicant was charged under Article
   228  з  1  of  the  Criminal Code with the  unlawful  purchase  and
   possession  of  3  grams  of hashish. He  pleaded  not  guilty  and
   indicated  that  he  did  not need an interpreter  because  he  had
   studied in Leningrad.
       13.  On 12 March and 5 April 1999 the applicant's detention was
   extended until 11 July 1999.
       14.  On  4  June 1999 the Leninskiy District Court of  Vladimir
   refused the applicant's request for release on bail. It found  that
   the  applicant's detention had been extended in accordance with the
   law  and  that  no grounds for releasing him could be  established.
   The applicant did not appeal to the Regional Court.
       15.  On  30 June and 2 September 1999 the applicant's detention
   was extended until 21 December 1999.
       16.  On  2 December 1999 the acting Prosecutor General approved
   the  extension of the applicant's detention until 21 June 2000. The
   applicant  appealed to the Leninskiy District Court,  which  on  28
   December 1999 dismissed the appeal, finding that the applicant  had
   been charged with an particularly serious criminal offence and  had
   resided  in  Vladimir  only temporarily,  his  permanent  residence
   being  in  Dushanbe, Tajikistan, so that there was good  reason  to
   suspect  that he would abscond if released. The applicant  did  not
   appeal against that decision to the Regional Court.
      C. First remittal of the case for additional investigation
       17.  On  21  June 2000 the supervising prosecutor approved  the
   bill  of  indictment and the case against the applicant and  twenty
   co-defendants was sent to the Vladimir Regional Court for trial.
       18.  On  23  June and 17 July 2000 the applicant requested  the
   Vladimir  Regional Court to review the lawfulness of his  detention
   on remand.
       19.  On  18  July 2000 the Vladimir Regional Court ordered  the
   case  to  be  remitted for an additional investigation because  the
   bill   of  indictment  had  not  been  translated  into  the  Tajik
   language,  even  though  seven of the defendants  were  Tajik.  The
   court  held that the applicant and his co-defendants should  remain
   in custody.
       20.  On  24  July  2000  the prosecution appealed  against  the
   decision but subsequently withdrew their appeal. On 30 August  2000
   the   case  was  returned  to  the  Vladimir  Regional  Court   for
   examination on the merits.
      D. Second remittal of the case for additional investigation
           1. Reinstatement of the decision of 18 July 2000
       21. On 23 November 2000 the Vladimir Regional Court ordered the
   case  to  be  remitted for an additional investigation because  the
   rights  of  some of the defendants had been unlawfully  restricted.
   The prosecution appealed.
       22.  On  28  February  2001 the Supreme Court  of  the  Russian
   Federation  quashed  the  decision of 23 November  2000.  It  found
   that,   after  the  case  had  been  remitted  for  an   additional
   investigation  on  18 July 2000, the prosecution had  not  remedied
   the  defects  identified by the Regional Court. In particular,  the
   prosecution  had  not  arranged for  translation  of  the  bill  of
   indictment  or  checked  that  the interpreter  had  the  requisite
   skills.  In  view  of these procedural defects, the  Supreme  Court
   held  that all the subsequent judicial decisions had been  unlawful
   and  remitted the case to the Regional Court for implementation  of
   the decision of 18 July 2000.
                      2. Additional investigation
       (a) Extension of the applicant's detention for one month (until
   4 May 2001)
       23. On 4 April 2001 the case was remitted to the prosecutor  of
   the  Vladimir Region for an additional investigation. On  the  same
   day  a  deputy  prosecutor  of  the Vladimir  Region  extended  the
   applicant's detention on remand by one month, until 4 May 2001.
       (b)  Extension  of the applicant's detention for  three  months
   (until 4 September 2001)
       24.  On  19  April  2001 the prosecutor of the Vladimir  Region
   applied  to the Vladimir Regional Court for an order extending  the
   applicant's detention. The applicant lodged objections in which  he
   alleged,  inter alia, that the prosecution had thus far  failed  to
   perform any additional investigation.
       25.  On  28  April 2001 the Vladimir Regional Court established
   that  the  bill  of indictment had been translated into  Tajik  and
   that  on  18 April 2001 the defendants and their lawyers had  begun
   their  examination  of the case file. Noting  the  gravity  of  the
   charges  against the applicant, his Tajik nationality  and  absence
   of  a  permanent residence in Vladimir, the Regional Court  further
   remanded him in custody until 4 September 2001.
       26.  On  4  and 17 May 2001 the applicant appealed against  the
   decision of the Vladimir Regional Court.
       (c)   Quashing  of  the  decision  to  extend  the  applicant's
   detention until 4 September 2001
       27. On 8 August 2001 the Supreme Court established that one  of
   the  applicant's  co-defendants  had  not  been  provided  with  an
   interpreter  into  Uzbek  and  that the  applicant  and  other  co-
   defendants  had  had  no access to the materials  examined  by  the
   Regional Court. It held as follows:
       "The  defects  of  the court hearing described  above  and  the
   curtailing  of the defendants' statutory rights... are  substantial
   violations  of  the rules of criminal procedure, which  could  have
   affected  the judge's conclusions; the decision [of 28 April  2001]
   must  therefore be quashed and the materials of the  case  relating
   to  the  extension of the defendants' pre-trial detention  must  be
   referred   for   a  new  judicial  examination.  During   the   new
   examination  of the prosecutor's request, the above  defects  shall
   be  remedied...  and  the  arguments by the  defendants  and  their
   counsel,  including  those  concerning  the  lawfulness  of   their
   detention,  shall  be reviewed... The preventive  measure  [imposed
   on, in particular, the applicant] shall remain unchanged".
       By  an  interim  decision of the same date, the  Supreme  Court
   refused the applicant leave to appear at the appeal hearing.
       (d)  Second examination of the request for an extension of  the
   applicant's detention until 4 September 2001
       28.  On 11 September and 30 November 2001 the Vladimir Regional
   Court   adjourned  hearings  in  order  to  afford  the  defendants
   additional time in which to read the case-file.
       29.  On  27 February 2002 the Vladimir Regional Court upheld  a
   challenge by the applicant against the presiding judge.
       30.  On 11 and 13 March, 12 April, 17 and 18 June 2002 hearings
   were   adjourned  because  of  the  absence  of  several   lawyers,
   including the applicant's counsel.
       31. On 15 August 2002 the Vladimir Regional Court again granted
   the  prosecutor's request (of 19 April 2001) for  an  extension  of
   the  defendants'  detention on remand until 4  September  2001.  It
   found  that it was necessary for the applicant to remain in custody
   because  he  was  a national of Tajikistan, was not  registered  as
   resident  in Vladimir, and had been charged with a serious criminal
   offence.   The   court  also  referred  to  certain   "conclusions"
   contained  in the prosecutor's application to the effect  that  the
   applicant might abscond or obstruct justice. The content  of  these
   "conclusions" was not disclosed.
       32. On 23 September 2002 the applicant lodged an appeal against
   the  decision of the Vladimir Regional Court. He claimed  that  the
   contested   decision   was  "unlawful  and  unconstitutional"   and
   requested leave to appear in person at the appeal hearing.
       33. On 23 January 2003 the Supreme Court upheld the decision of
   15 August 2002, finding as follows:
       "The  judge  came  to  a  well-justified  conclusion  that  the
   defendants... could not be [released pending trial]. The judge  had
   regard  to  the fact that these persons were charged  with  serious
   and  particularly  serious  criminal offences,  he  considered  the
   information on their character and all the circumstances  to  which
   the prosecutor had referred in support of his application...
       The  fact that the above-mentioned decision on the prosecutor's
   application  was [only] made after the defendants  had  spent  that
   length  of  time  in custody... is not a ground  for  quashing  the
   decision  of 15 August 2002 because the first judicial decision  on
   this  matter  was  quashed  in accordance  with  the  law  and  the
   prosecutor's application of 19 April 2001 was remitted  for  a  new
   examination.  The  subsequent progress of  the  criminal  case  is,
   under  these  circumstances, of no relevance to a decision  on  the
   prosecutor's application."
       By  an  interim  decision of the same date, the  Supreme  Court
   refused  the  applicant's request for leave to appear  because  the
   defendants'  arguments were clearly set out  in  their  grounds  of
   appeal  and  their  lawyers were present at the hearing  while  the
   prosecutor was not.
      E. Third remittal of the case for additional investigation
                     1. Preparation for the trial
       34. Meanwhile, on 4 September 2001 the additional investigation
   was completed and the case sent to the Vladimir Regional Court.  On
   or  about  that  date the applicant asked the court  to  order  his
   release pending the trial.
       35.  On  9  January 2002 the Vladimir Regional Court fixed  the
   first  hearing  for  5 February 2002 and held  that  the  applicant
   should remain in custody pending trial:
       "[The  court]  did  not establish any grounds...  to  amend  or
   revoke  the  preventive measure imposed on the  accused  given  the
   gravity  of  the  offence  with which the defendants  are  charged.
   Furthermore,  the  fact  that  the  court  decision  extending  the
   detention  on remand of several defendants in order to afford  them
   [time]  to examine the case materials was quashed on appeal  is  of
   no  legal  significance. [In its decision of  8  August  2001]  the
   Supreme  Court did not revoke the preventive measure, the case  was
   referred  to  the [trial] court without delay and no other  grounds
   for amending the preventive measure were established."
       36.  On 11 February 2002 the applicant lodged an appeal against
   the  decision. He complained, in particular, that his detention was
   unlawful   because  it  had  significantly  exceeded  the   maximum
   eighteen-month  period  permitted by law, that  the  conditions  in
   which  he  was detained were poor and that he had been  ill-treated
   by   police   officers,  both  at  the  time  of  his  arrest   and
   subsequently. He alleged that his notice of appeal had  never  been
   dispatched to the Supreme Court.
       37.  On  5  February  2002 the hearing was adjourned  until  26
   February  because  three defendants had failed  to  appear.  On  15
   February  2002  the  applicant  prepared  an  appeal  against   the
   decision to adjourn the hearing; in the notice of appeal,  he  also
   repeated the points he had raised in his appeal of 11 February.  He
   again  stated that his notice of appeal had not been  sent  to  the
   Supreme Court.
      2. Decision to remit the case for additional investigation
       38.  On  13  March 2002 the Vladimir Regional Court established
   that  the  case  was  not  ready for consideration  on  the  merits
   because  of a series of procedural defects: in particular,  several
   defendants had not had sufficient time to study the case file,  one
   defendant  had  not  been  provided with interpretation  facilities
   into  Uzbek, and the applicant had not been informed in  good  time
   of  the  expert examinations. The court remitted the  case  for  an
   additional  investigation and remanded the  defendants  in  custody
   "in   the  light  of  the  gravity  and  dangerous  nature  of  the
       39.  On  11  April  2002 the prosecution appealed  against  the
   decision  of 13 March and the applicant did likewise on  29  April.
   The  applicant submitted, in particular, that the domestic law  did
   not  permit  extensions  of  detention "during  the  investigation"
   beyond the maximum period of eighteen months which had expired,  in
   his case, on 4 April 2001.
       40.  On  28 May 2002 the case-file was forwarded to the Supreme
   Court for examination of the issue of detention on remand.
             3. Quashing of the decision to remit the case
                     for additional investigation
       41.  On  8 August 2002 the Supreme Court refused, in an interim
   decision,  the  applicant's request for leave  to  appear,  holding
   that  his position had been clearly and exhaustively stated in  the
   grounds of appeal.
       42.  On 12 September 2002 it examined the appeals lodged by the
   prosecutor, the applicant and his co-defendants and found that  the
   defence  rights  had not been impaired. On this ground  it  quashed
   the  decision of 13 March 2002 and instructed the Vladimir Regional
   Court  to  proceed with the trial. It held that the  applicant  and
   his  co-defendants should remain in custody because "there were  no
   legal  grounds  to amend the preventive measure given  the  gravity
   and dangerous nature of the offences".
       43.  On  7  October  2002 the case-file  was  returned  to  the
   Vladimir Regional Court.
          F. Further extensions of the applicant's detention
              pending trial and his release from custody
       44.  On  18 November 2002 the Vladimir Regional Court  extended
   the  applicant's  detention on remand until  3  December  2002.  It
   found as follows:
       "The  case  was referred to the Vladimir Regional  Court  on  2
   September 2001; on 13 March 2002 it was decided to remit  the  case
   for  additional  investigation. On 12 September  2002  the  Supreme
   Court quashed that decision on appeal by the prosecutor. Thus,  the
   defendants  have  remained in custody for 8  months  and  16  days,
   starting  from  the date of the case's referral and  excluding  the
   period  between [the end of the] examination on the merits and  the
   quashing of the decision [of 13 March 2002] on appeal.
       Regard being had to the fact that the defendant is charged with
   serious  and  particularly serious criminal offences, in  order  to
   secure  the  examination  of the case and the  enforcement  of  the
   conviction  [sic], there are no grounds to [release the applicant].
   Under  these  circumstances, pursuant to Article 255  з  3  of  the
   Russian  Code  of Criminal Procedure, the defendant's detention  on
   remand is extended for an additional three months".
       45.  On  4 December 2002 the Vladimir Regional Court granted  a
   further  extension of the applicant's detention for  three  months,
   that  is  to  say  until  3  March 2003  [the  decision  mistakenly
   indicates  2002]. The grounds invoked by the court  were  identical
   to those set out in the decision of 18 November 2002.
       46.  On  22 and 26 November and 5 December 2002 the applicant's
   lawyers lodged appeals against the decisions of 18 November  and  4
   December  with  the Supreme Court. They submitted,  in  particular,
   that  the  six-month period of the applicant's detention which  had
   started  from  the  moment  the case was referred  for  trial,  had
   expired  on 2 March 2002 but had been extended only two months  and
   sixteen  days  later,  on 18 November. Therefore,  the  applicant's
   detention  from 13 March to 12 September 2002 had not been  covered
   by   any   detention  order:  the  prosecution  had   not   assumed
   responsibility for the case, whilst the courts considered that  the
   case  had  been remitted for an additional investigation  and  held
   the prosecution accountable for the applicant's detention.
       47.  On 3 March, 28 May, 28 August and 27 November 2003 and  27
   February  2004  the  Vladimir  Regional  Court  authorised  further
   extensions  of  detention in respect of the applicant  and  12  co-
   defendants,  on  each occasion for a period of  three  months.  The
   reasons  given  in the decisions of 3 March, 28 May and  28  August
   2003  were identical to those given in the decisions of 18 November
   and  4 December 2002 (see above). The decisions of 27 November 2003
   and  27  February 2004 referred to the gravity of the  charges  and
   the   existence  of  "sufficient  reasons  to  believe   that   the
   defendants would abscond".
       The   applicant  submitted  appeals  against  each   of   these
       48. Between May 2003 and 15 March 2004 the trial proceeded.  On
   19 April 2004 the parties began their final submissions.
       49.  On  28 May 2004 the Vladimir Regional Court, by an interim
   decision, held that the applicant's detention on remand was not  to
   be  extended  because  the  prosecution  had  reduced  the  charges
   against  him.  He  appears to have been released from  custody  the
   same day.
       50. On 21 March 2005 the Supreme Court examined the applicant's
   and/or  his  co-defendants' appeals against  the  decisions  of  18
   November  and  4 December 2002, 3 March, 28 May, 28 August  and  27
   November  2003  and 27 February 2004 extending their  detention  on
       The  Supreme Court quashed the decisions of 18 November  and  4
   December  2002  and 3 March 2003 on the ground that they  had  been
   given  by  an  incomplete formation: a single judge  instead  of  a
   three-judge  panel.  As  regards  the  applicant's  situation,   it
   further held:
       "Since  the  judge's  decision has been quashed  because  of  a
   breach  of  the  rules of criminal procedure, the  court  will  not
   examine  the  arguments in the appeals alleging that the  extension
   of  the [applicant's] detention was unlawful on other grounds.  The
   matter  will  not  be remitted for a new examination  because  [the
   applicant] has been acquitted."
       The  Supreme Court upheld the other decisions, finding that the
   Regional  Court  had  correctly referred  to  the  gravity  of  the
   charges  and  the existence of sufficient grounds to  believe  that
   the defendants would abscond during the trial.
            G. Discontinuation of the criminal proceedings
       51.  On 18 June 2004 the Vladimir Regional Court, by an interim
   decision,  dismissed the charges of participation in  an  organised
   criminal  enterprise and running an opium den against the applicant
   after they were withdrawn by the prosecution.
       52.  By  another interim decision of the same date,  the  court
   dismissed  a  charge  against  the  applicant  in  respect  of  one
   incident  of  drug  possession because of a recent  change  in  the
   Russian   criminal  law  that  had  decriminalised  possession   of
   negligible amounts of drugs.
       53.  Finally,  by  a  judgment of  the  same  date,  the  court
   acquitted  the applicant of the remaining drug-trafficking  charges
   because  his  involvement in the commission of the  offences  could
   not  be  proven.  Some  of  his co-defendants  were  convicted  and
   sentenced to various terms of imprisonment.
       54.  On  21  March  2005  the  Supreme  Court  of  the  Russian
   Federation  upheld, on appeal, the above judgment and decisions  of
   the Vladimir Regional Court.
               H. Decisions of the Constitutional Court
       55.  On 10 December 2002 the Constitutional Court examined  the
   applicant's   complaint   concerning   his   exclusion   from   the
   proceedings  before  the  Supreme  Court  and  confirmed  that  the
   applicant  should have had the right to appear in person and  plead
   his case before the court if a prosecutor was present.
       56.  On  15 July 2003 the Constitutional Court issued  decision
   (определение) No. 292-O on the applicant's complaint about  the  ex
   post  facto  extension  of  his "detention  during  trial"  by  the
   Regional Court's decision of 18 November 2002. It held as follows:
       "Article  255  з  3  of the Code of Criminal Procedure  of  the
   Russian Federation provides that the [trial court] may... upon  the
   expiry  of  six  months after the case was sent to it,  extend  the
   defendant's  detention  for  successive  periods  of  up  to  three
   months.  It  does  not contain, however, any provisions  permitting
   the  courts to take a decision extending the defendant's  detention
   on  remand  once the previously authorised time-limit has  expired,
   in  which  event  the  person is detained for a  period  without  a
   judicial  decision.  Nor  do  other  rules  of  criminal  procedure
   provide  for such a possibility. Moreover, Articles 10 з 2 and  109
   з  4 of the Code of Criminal Procedure expressly require the court,
   prosecutor,  investigator... to release anyone  who  is  unlawfully
   held  in  custody  beyond the time-limit established  in  the  Code
   immediately. Such is also the requirement of Article 5 зз 3  and  4
   of  the  European Convention... which is an integral  part  of  the
   legal system of the Russian Federation, pursuant to Article 15 з  4
   of the Russian Constitution..."
       57.  On  22  January  2004 the Constitutional  Court  delivered
   decision  No. 66-O on the applicant's complaint about  the  Supreme
   Court's refusal to permit him to attend the appeal hearings on  the
   issue of detention. It held:
       "Article  376 of the Code of Criminal Procedure regulating  the
   presence  of  a  defendant remanded in custody  before  the  appeal
   court...  cannot  be  read  as  depriving  the  defendant  held  in
   custody...  of  the  right to express his  opinion  to  the  appeal
   court,  by  way  of his personal attendance at the  hearing  or  by
   other  lawful means, on matters relating to the examination of  his
   complaint  about  a judicial decision affecting his  constitutional
   rights and freedoms..."
            I. Conditions of the applicant's detention and
                      in which he was transported
         1. The applicant's detention in facility No. OD-1/T-2
       58. From 16 February 2000 to 28 May 2004 the applicant was held
   in   detention  facility  No.  OD-1/T-2  of  the  Vladimir   Region
   (учреждение ОД-1/Т-2 УИН МЮ РФ по Владимирской области),  known  as
   "Vladimirskiy Tsentral". He stayed in various cells in  wings  Nos.
   3 and 4, built in 1870 and 1846, respectively.
       (a) Number of inmates per cell
       59.  According to a certificate issued on 22 April 2004 by  the
   facility  director,  and which the Government  have  produced,  the
   applicant was kept in eight cells described as follows: cell No. 4-
   14  (12.1  square  metres,  6  bunks, average  population  4  to  6
   inmates),  cell  No. 4-13 (12.3 sq. m, 6 bunks, 5  to  7  inmates),
   cell  No. 4-9 (23.4 sq. m, 13 bunks, 13 to 20 inmates), cells  Nos.
   3-3, 3-53, 3-54, 3-51 and 3-52 (35 to 36 sq. m, 16 bunks, 12 to  18
       60.  The applicant did not dispute the cell measurements or the
   number  of bunks. He disagreed, however, with the figure  given  by
   the  Government  for  the  number of  inmates.  According  to  him,
   between  February and December 2000 he stayed in cell No. 4-9  that
   housed  18 to 35 inmates and between December 2000 and May 2004  he
   was  kept in cells measuring approximately 36 sq. m, together  with
   20  to 40 other detainees. After the new Code of Criminal Procedure
   came  into effect on 1 July 2002, the number of inmates in his cell
   dropped  to  between  15 and 25. Given the lack  of  beds,  inmates
   slept  in eight-hour shifts. They waited for their turn sitting  on
   the concrete floor or on a stool if one was available.
       In  support  of  his statements the applicant produced  written
   depositions  by three former cellmates, Mr Abdurakhmon Kayumov,  Mr
   Sergey Gunin and Mr Yan Kelerman. They stated, in particular,  that
   in  2003  -  2004  cell No. 3-52 had housed 20 to  30  inmates  (Mr
   Kayumov's deposition) or even 25 to 35 (Mr Gunin's deposition),  as
   had  cells  Nos. 3-51 and 3-53. They also testified that  they  and
   the other detainees had slept in turns.
       (b) Sanitary conditions and installations
       61.  The  Government, relying on a certificate of 8 April  2004
   from  the facility director, submitted that the "sanitary and anti-
   epidemic   condition   of   the  facility  remained   satisfactory,
   including...  in  the cells where [the applicant] had  been  held".
   Another  certificate  of 20 April 2004 showed  that  "the  cells...
   were  equipped  with [a lavatory pan] placed no  more  than  10  cm
   above  the  floor and separated by a partition of 1.5 m  in  height
   with  additional  curtains". Running tap water  was  available  and
   detainees were permitted to use immersion heaters.
       62. The applicant conceded that there had been no outbreaks  of
   contagious  diseases or epidemics. Apart from  that,  the  sanitary
   conditions  were  wholly  unsatisfactory. Prisoners  infected  with
   tuberculosis,  hepatitis,  scabies and the  human  immunodeficiency
   virus  (HIV)  were occasionally held in his cell.  The  cells  were
   infested  by  lice, bed-bugs, flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches,  rats
   and  mice,  but  the facility administration did  not  provide  any
   repellents   or   insecticides.  Detainees  were  not   given   any
   toiletries,  such as soap, toothbrush, toothpaste or toilet  paper,
   apart  from  100 grams of caustic soda once a week and two  plastic
   bottles  of  bleach (1.5 litres each) every two  or  three  months.
   Cells  had no ventilation systems. In winter they were cold and  in
   summer it was hot, stuffy and excessively damp inside.
       63.  The  applicant challenged the Government's description  of
   the  toilet facilities as factually untrue. The cast-iron  pan  was
   raised  on a pedestal about 50 - 80 cm high and separated from  the
   living  area  from  one side with a one-metre-high  partition.  The
   person  using  the  toilet was in full view of  other  inmates.  No
   curtains  were provided; occasionally the inmates hung a sheet  but
   wardens  tore  it down and disciplined those responsible.  What  is
   more,  the  lavatory  pan had no seat or cover:  inmates  stuck  an
   empty  plastic bottle in the hole in order to prevent  smells  from
   spreading.  The  dining table was fixed to the  floor  just  a  few
