Законы России
Популярное в сети
Курсы валют


По состоянию на ноябрь 2007 года
Стр. 5
   которого их совсем нет.

                                Статья 8

       Высокие Договаривающиеся Стороны и,  в частности,  держащие  в
   плену державы будут разрешать в пределах максимальной возможности,
   но с учетом предписаний,  регулирующих продовольственное снабжение
   населения, производить  на  их  территории  любые  закупки с целью
   распределения среди военнопленных коллективных грузов помощи;  они
   будут аналогичным   образом   оказывать  содействие  при  передаче
   денежных  фондов  и при  проведении других финансовых мероприятий,
   технического   или   административного   порядка,   имеющих  целью
   осуществление этих закупок.

                                Статья 9

       Вышеизложенные постановления  не  должны  служить  помехой  ни
   праву военнопленных  получать  коллективные  грузы  помощи  до  их
   прибытия в лагерь  или  во  время  переезда,  ни  возможности  для
   представителей державы - покровительницы,  Международного комитета
   Красного Креста или всякой другой организации,  оказывающей помощь
   военнопленным    и  которой   поручена   передача   этих   грузов,
   обеспечивать  их  распределение  среди  получателей любыми другими
   способами, которые они сочли бы подходящими.

                                                        Приложение IV

                       A. УДОСТОВЕРЕНИЕ ЛИЧНОСТИ

                             (см. статью 4)

      ---------------¬    (Указание страны и военной власти, которыми
      ¦  Фотография  ¦    выдано настоящее удостоверение личности)
      ¦  владельца   ¦
      ¦              ¦              УДОСТОВЕРЕНИЕ ЛИЧНОСТИ
      ¦              ¦
      ¦              ¦    для лица, следующего за вооруженными силами
      ¦              ¦    Фамилия ___________________________________
      L---------------    Имя и отчество ____________________________
                          Дата и место рождения _____________________
                          Следует за вооруженными силами в качестве
      Дата составления
       удостоверения                   Подпись владельца
    ___________________          ___________________________
       Примечание. Желательно,    чтобы    это   удостоверение   было
   составлено на двух - трех языках и чтобы один из  них  был  языком
   международного значения. Размеры удостоверения, складывающегося по
   пунктирной линии, 13 x 10 см.
                                                    Оборотная сторона
   ¦   Рост    ¦      Вес      ¦     Глаза      ¦      Волосы       ¦
   ¦ _________ ¦ _____________ ¦ ______________ ¦ _________________ ¦
   ¦   ¦Другие ¦ Оттиск пальцев¦  Группа крови  ¦ (Печать властей,  ¦
   ¦   ¦приметы¦(необязательно)+----------------+      выдавших     ¦
   ¦   ¦       ¦               ¦    Религия     ¦   удостоверение)  ¦
   ¦   ¦       ¦               ¦----------------¦                   ¦
   ¦   ¦       +---------------+----------------+-------------------+
   ¦   ¦       ¦               ¦           К сведению               ¦
   ¦   ¦       ¦    (Левый     ¦ Настоящее  удостоверение  выдается ¦
   ¦   ¦       ¦ указательный) ¦ лицам,     которые    следуют   за ¦
   ¦   ¦       ¦               ¦ вооруженными силами _________,  не ¦
   ¦   ¦       ¦               ¦ входя непосредственно в их состав. ¦
   ¦   ¦       ¦               ¦ Лицо, которому оно выдано, обязано ¦
   ¦   ¦       +---------------+ иметь  его всегда  при себе.  Если ¦
   ¦   ¦       ¦               ¦ его владелец попал в плен,  он сам ¦
   ¦   ¦       ¦   (Правый     ¦ должен  передать это удостоверение ¦
   ¦   ¦       ¦ указательный) ¦ властям,  которые его держат,  для ¦
   ¦   ¦       ¦               ¦ того,  чтобы они могли  установить ¦
   ¦   ¦       ¦               ¦ его личность.                      ¦


                            (см. статью 70)

                                                      Лицевая сторона
    Писать разборчиво         1. Держава,   за    которой    числится
    и прописными буквами      военнопленный _________________________
    2. Фамилия               3. Имя (полностью)           4. Отчество

    5. Дата рождения ____________________ 6. Место рождения _________
    7. Звание _______________________________________________________
    8. Личный N _____________________________________________________
    9. Адрес семьи __________________________________________________
   <*> 10. Взят в плен: (или)
           Прибыл из (лагеря N ______, госпиталя и пр.) _____________
   <*> 11. a) Здоров _______ b) не ранен _______  c) выздоровел _____
           d) поправляется _____ e) болен ____  f) легкое ранение ___
           g) тяжелое ранение _______________________________________
    12. Мой адрес в настоящее время: Номер пленного _________________
        Обозначение лагеря __________________________________________
    13. Дата __________________________ 14. Подпись _________________
       <*> Ненужное  вычеркнуть.  -  К  указанному  здесь  ничего  не
   добавлять. - См. объяснение на оборотной стороне.
                                                    Оборотная сторона
   Почта для военнопленных                                  Бесплатно

                  Карточка - извещение о взятии в плен

                 К сведению                ¦  В Центральное агентство
       Эта карточка должна быть заполнена  ¦  по делам военнопленных
   каждым пленным немедленно после взятия  ¦
   его в плен и каждый раз, когда пленный  ¦  Международный комитет
   меняет   свой   адрес   в   результате  ¦     Красного Креста
   помещения его  в госпиталь  или другой  ¦
   лагерь.                                 ¦            ЖЕНЕВА
       Настоящая    карточка   не   имеет  ¦           ---------
   отношения   к  специальной   карточке,  ¦          (Швейцария)
   которую пленному  разрешается  послать  ¦
   своей семье.                            ¦
       Примечание.  Эта  карточка  должна быть составлена на двух или
   трех  языках,  в  частности,  на  родном языке пленного и на языке
   держащей в плену державы.
       Размеры 15 x 10,5 см.

                     C. ПОЧТОВАЯ КАРТОЧКА И ПИСЬМО

                            (см. статью 71)

                          1. Почтовая карточка

                                                      Лицевая сторона
   Переписка военнопленных                                  Бесплатно

          ПОЧТОВАЯ КАРТОЧКА           Кому __________________________
   -------------------------------¬   _______________________________
            Отправитель           ¦
   Фамилия, имя, отчество         ¦   Место назначения ______________
   _____________________________  ¦   _______________________________
   Дата и место рождения _______  ¦   _______________________________
   _____________________________  ¦   Улица _________________________
   N военнопленного ____________  ¦   Страна ________________________
   _____________________________  ¦   Область _______________________
   Обозначение лагеря __________  ¦
   _____________________________  ¦
   Страна отправления __________  ¦
   _____________________________  ¦
                                                    Оборотная сторона
              Писать только на строчках и очень разборчиво
       Примечание. Эта карточка должна быть составлена  на  двух  или
   трех  языках,  в  частности,  на  родном языке пленного и на языке
   держащей в плену державы.
       Размеры карточки в натуре 15 x 10 см.

                               2. Письмо

   Переписка военнопленных                                  Бесплатно

   Кому _____________________________________________________________
   Место назначения _________________________________________________

   Улица ____________________________________________________________
   Страна ___________________________________________________________
   Область __________________________________________________________


   Фамилия и имя ____________________________________________________
   Дата и место рождения ____________________________________________
   N пленного _______________________________________________________
   Обозначение лагеря _______________________________________________
   Страна отправления _______________________________________________
       Примечание. Эта  форма должна быть составлена на двух или трех
   языках, в частности,  на родном языке пленного и на языке держащей
   в плену  державы.  Она  складывается  по  линии  сгиба (обозначена
   пунктиром), верхняя  часть  закладывается  в  прорезь  (обозначена
   знаками ~)  и  в таком виде представляет собой конверт.  Оборотная
   сторона, разлинованная как  оборотная  сторона  почтовой  карточки
   (см. Приложение IV, C. 1), предназначается для письма пленного, на
   ней может поместиться примерно 250 слов.  Размеры письма в  натуре
   (в развернутом виде) 29 x 15 см.

                         D. ИЗВЕЩЕНИЕ О СМЕРТИ

                            (см. статью 120)

       (Обозначение соответствующих         ИЗВЕЩЕНИЕ О СМЕРТИ
       Держава, за которой числится пленный _________________________
       Фамилия и имя ....................¦___________________________
       Отчество .........................¦___________________________
       Место и дата рождения ............¦___________________________
       Место и дата смерти ..............¦___________________________
       Звание и личный номер (надписанные¦
   на опознавательном медальоне) ........¦___________________________
       Адрес семьи ......................¦___________________________
       Где и когда был взят в плен ......¦___________________________
       Причина и обстоятельства смерти ..¦___________________________
       Место погребения .................¦___________________________
       Обозначена  ли могила  и сможет ли¦
   она впоследствии быть найдена семьей .¦___________________________
       Сохраняет  ли  держащая   в  плену¦
   держава вещи,  входящие  в  наследство¦
   покойного, у себя или они пересылаются¦
   одновременно  с настоящим извещением о¦
   смерти ...............................¦___________________________
       Если  они пересылаются,  то  через¦
   какого посредника ....................¦___________________________
       Может ли лицо,  бывшее при больном¦
   во время  его болезни  или в последние¦
   минуты   его  жизни   (врач,  санитар,¦
   служитель культа,  товарищ по  плену),¦
   сообщить,  здесь же  или в приложении,¦
   какие-нибудь     подробности   о   его¦
   последних минутах и о погребении......¦___________________________
       (Дата,     печать     и    подпись¦  Подписи и адреса двух
   соответствующих властей) .............¦свидетелей
   .................. ...............    ¦___________________________
       Примечание. Это извещение должно быть составлено на  двух  или
   трех языках,  в частности,  на  родном  языке  пленного и на языке
   держащей в плену державы.
       Размеры извещения 21 x 30 см.


                     (см. Приложение II, статью 11)


       Дата _________________________________________________________
       Лагерь _______________________________________________________
       Госпиталь ____________________________________________________
       Фамилия ______________________________________________________
       Имя и отчество _______________________________________________
       Дата рождения ________________________________________________
       Звание _______________________________________________________
       Личный номер _________________________________________________
       Номер военнопленного _________________________________________
       Ранение, заболевание _________________________________________
       Решение комиссии _____________________________________________

                                               Председатель смешанной
                                                 медицинской комиссии

       A = Непосредственная репатриация
       B = Госпитализация в нейтральной стране
      NC = Вторичное освидетельствование

                                                         Приложение V

                            ТИПОВЫЕ ПРАВИЛА,

                            (см. статью 63)

       1. Авизо,   указанное   в  третьем  абзаце  статьи  63,  будет
   содержать следующие данные:
       a) номер,  указанный в  статье  17,  звание,  фамилию,  имя  и
   отчество военнопленного, производящего платежи;
       b) фамилию и адрес получателя в его стране;
       c) денежную сумму,  которая должна быть уплачена, выраженную в
   валюте страны, в которой находится военнопленный.
       2. Авизо  будет подписано военнопленным или,  если он не умеет
   писать, под ним должен быть поставлен его знак,  и оно должно быть
   заверено доверенным лицом.
       3. Начальник лагеря приложит к данному авизо  справку  о  том,
   что данный  военнопленный  имеет кредитовое сальдо не меньшее, чем
   денежная сумма, которая должна быть уплачена.
       4. Авизо  может  быть  составлено в виде списков;  каждый лист
   такого списка должен быть засвидетельствован  доверенным  лицом  и
   заверен начальником лагеря.

                                 * * *

       Подписывая    Конвенцию   об   обращении   с   военнопленными,
   Правительство Союза  Советских  Социалистических Республик сделало
   следующие оговорки:
       по  ст. 10  -  "СССР  не  будет  признавать законным обращение
   державы, во власти которой находятся военнопленные, к нейтральному
   государству  или  гуманитарной  организации  с просьбой принять на
   себя функции, выполняемые державой - покровительницей, если на это
   не  имеется  согласия  правительства  страны,  гражданами  которой
   являются военнопленные";
       по  ст. 12  -  "СССР  не  будет  считать законным освобождение
   державы,  передавшей захваченных ею военнопленных другой  державе,
   от  ответственности  за  соблюдение  Конвенции  в  отношении  этих
   военнопленных,  пока   они   находятся   на   попечении   державы,
   согласившейся их принять";
       по  ст. 85 - "СССР не считает для себя обязательным вытекающее
   из   статьи   85   распространение  покровительства  Конвенции  на
   военнопленных,  осужденных по законам страны,  где они находятся в
   плену,  за  совершение  военных преступлений и преступлений против
   человечества в соответствии с принципами  Нюрнбергского  процесса,
   так  как осужденные за эти преступления должны подчиняться режиму,
   установленному в данной стране для лиц, отбывающих наказание".

                           GENEVA CONVENTION

                         (Geneva, 12.VIII.1949)


       The undersigned    Plenipotentiaries    of   the   Governments
   represented at the Diplomatic Conference held at Geneva from April
   21 to August 12,  1949, for the purpose of revising the Convention
   concluded at Geneva on July 27, 1929, relative to the Treatment of
   Prisoners of War, have agreed as follows:

                       PART I. GENERAL PROVISIONS

                               Article 1

       The High Contracting  Parties  undertake  to  respect  and  to
   ensure respect for the present Convention in all circumstances.

                               Article 2

       In addition  to  the  provisions which shall be implemented in
   peace time,  the present Convention shall apply to  all  cases  of
   declared  war  or  of  any  other  armed  conflict which may arise
   between two or more of the High Contracting Parties,  even if  the
   state of war is not recognized by one of them.
       The Convention shall also apply to all  cases  of  partial  or
   total  occupation  of  the  territory of a High Contracting Party,
   even if the said occupation meets with no armed resistance.
       Although one  of  the Powers in conflict may not be a party to
   the present Convention,  the Powers who are parties thereto  shall
   remain   bound  by  it  in  their  mutual  relations.  They  shall
   furthermore be bound by the Convention in  relation  to  the  said
   Power, if the latter accepts and applies the provisions thereof.

                               Article 3

       In the   case  of  armed  conflict  not  of  an  international
   character  occurring  in  the  territory  of  one  of   the   High
   Contracting Parties,  each Party to the conflict shall be bound to
   apply, as a minimum, the following provisions:
       1. Persons taking no active part in the hostilities, including
   members  of  armed  forces who have laid down their arms and those
   placed hors de combat by sickness, wounds, detention, or any other
   cause, shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, without any
   adverse distinction founded on race,  colour,  religion or  faith,
   sex, birth or wealth, or any other similar criteria.
       To this end the following acts are and shall remain prohibited
   at  any  time  and  in  any  place  whatsoever with respect to the
   above-mentioned persons:
       (a) violence to life and person,  in particular murder of  all
   kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture;
       (b) taking of hostages;
       (c) outrages upon personal dignity, in particular, humiliating
   and degrading treatment;
       (d) the  passing  of  sentences  and  the  carrying   out   of
   executions  without  previous  judgment  pronounced by a regularly
   constituted court affording all the judicial guarantees which  are
   recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples.
       2. The wounded and sick shall be collected and cared for.
       An impartial  humanitarian  body,  such  as  the International
   Committee of the Red Cross,  may offer its services to the Parties
   to the conflict.
       The Parties to the conflict should further endeavour to  bring
   into  force,  by  means of special agreements,  all or part of the
   other provisions of the present Convention.
       The application  of  the preceding provisions shall not affect
   the legal status of the Parties to the conflict.

                               Article 4

       A. Prisoners of war,  in the sense of the present  Convention,
   are persons belonging to one of the following categories, who have
   fallen into the power of the enemy:
       1. Members of the armed forces of a Party to the conflict,  as
   well as members of militias or volunteer  corps  forming  part  of
   such armed forces.
       2. Members of other militias and members  of  other  volunteer
   corps,   including   those   of  organized  resistance  movements,
   belonging to a Party to the conflict and operating in  or  outside
   their own territory,  even if this territory is occupied, provided
   that such militias or volunteer corps,  including  such  organized
   resistance movements, fulfil the following conditions:
       (a) that of being commanded by a person  responsible  for  his
       (b) that of having a fixed distinctive sign recognizable at  a
       (c) that of carrying arms openly;
       (d) that of conducting their operations in accordance with the
   laws and customs of war.
       3. Members of regular armed forces who profess allegiance to a
   government or an authority not recognized by the Detaining  Power.
       4. Persons  who  accompany  the  armed forces without actually
   being members  thereof,  such  as  civilian  members  of  military
   aircraft crews, war correspondents, supply contractors, members of
   labour units or of services responsible for  the  welfare  of  the
   armed forces, provided that they have received authorization, from
   the armed forces which they accompany,  who shall provide them for
   that purpose with an identity card similar to the annexed model.
       5. Members   of   crews,   including   masters,   pilots   and
   apprentices,  of  the  merchant  marine  and  the  crews  of civil
   aircraft of the Parties to the conflict,  who do  not  benefit  by
   more   favourable   treatment   under   any  other  provisions  of
   international law.
       6. Inhabitants   of  a  non-occupied  territory,  who  on  the
   approach of the enemy spontaneously take up  arms  to  resist  the
   invading  forces,  without having had time to form themselves into
   regular armed units,  provided they carry arms openly and  respect
   the laws and customs of war.
       B. The following shall likewise be treated as prisoners of war
   under the present Convention:
       1. Persons belonging,  or having belonged, to the armed forces
   of  the  occupied  country,  if  the  occupying Power considers it
   necessary by reason of such allegiance to intern them, even though
   it  has  originally liberated them while hostilities were going on
   outside the  territory  it  occupies,  in  particular  where  such
   persons  have  made  an  unsuccessful  attempt to rejoin the armed
   forces to which they belong and which are engaged  in  combat,  or
   where  they fail to comply with a summons made to them with a view
   to internment.
       2. The  persons  belonging to one of the categories enumerated
   in the present Article,  who have  been  received  by  neutral  or
   non-belligerent  Powers  on  their territory and whom these Powers
   are required to intern under international law,  without prejudice
   to  any more favourable treatment which these Powers may choose to
   give and with the exception of  Articles  8,  10,  15,  30,  fifth
   paragraph,  58-67,  92,  126 and, where diplomatic relations exist
   between  the  Parties  to  the  conflict  and   the   neutral   or
   nonbelligerent  Power  concerned,  those  Articles  concerning the
   Protecting Power.  Where  such  diplomatic  relations  exist,  the
   Parties  to  a  conflict  on  whom  these  persons depend shall be
   allowed to perform towards them  the  functions  of  a  Protecting
   Power as provided in the present Convention,  without prejudice to
   the functions which these Parties normally exercise in  conformity
   with diplomatic and consular usage and treaties.
       C. This Article shall in no way affect the status  of  medical
   personnel  and  chaplains  as  provided  for  in Article 33 of the
   present Convention.

                               Article 5

       The present  Convention shall apply to the persons referred to
   in Article 4 from the time they fall into the power of  the  enemy
   and until their final release and repatriation.
       Should any doubt arise as to whether persons, having committed
   a belligerent act and having fallen into the hands of  the  enemy,
   belong  to  any  of  the categories enumerated in Article 4,  such
   persons shall enjoy the protection of the present Convention until
   such  time  as  their  status  has  been determined by a competent

                               Article 6

       In addition  to  the  agreements  expressly  provided  for  in
   Articles 10,  23,  28,  33,  60, 65, 66, 67, 72, 73, 75, 109, 110,
   118,  119,  122 and 132, the High Contracting Parties may conclude
   other special agreements for all matters concerning which they may
   deem it suitable to make separate provision.  No special agreement
   shall  adversely  affect  the  situation  of prisoners of war,  as
   defined by the present Convention,  nor restrict the rights  which
   it confers upon them.
       Prisoners of war shall continue to have the  benefit  of  such
   agreements as long as the Convention is applicable to them, except
   where express provisions to the  contrary  are  contained  in  the
   aforesaid  or  in subsequent agreements,  or where more favourable
   measures have been taken with regard to them by one  or  other  of
   the Parties to the conflict.

                               Article 7

       Prisoners of  war  may in no circumstances renounce in part or
   in entirety the rights secured to them by the present  Convention,
   and  by  the  special  agreements  referred  to  in  the foregoing
   Article, if such there be.

                               Article 8

       The present Convention shall be applied with  the  cooperation
   and  under  the scrutiny of the Protecting Powers whose duty it is
   to safeguard the interests of the Parties  to  the  conflict.  For
   this purpose,  the Protecting Powers may appoint, apart from their
   diplomatic or consular staff,  delegates from  amongst  their  own
   nationals  or  the  nationals  of  other neutral Powers.  The said
   delegates shall be subject to the approval of the Power with which
   they are to carry out their duties.
       The Parties to the conflict shall facilitate to  the  greatest
   extent  possible  the  task of the representatives or delegates of
   the Protecting Powers.
       The representatives  or  delegates  of  the  Protecting Powers
   shall not in any case  exceed  their  mission  under  the  present
   Convention.  They  shall,  in  particular,  take  account  of  the
   imperative necessities of security of the State wherein they carry
   out their duties.

                               Article 9

       The provisions   of   the  present  Convention  constitute  no
   obstacle to the humanitarian activities  which  the  International
   Committee  of  the  Red  Cross or any other impartial humanitarian
   organization may,  subject to the consent of the  Parties  to  the
   conflict  concerned,  undertake for the protection of prisoners of
   war and for their relief.

                               Article 10

       The High Contracting Parties may at any time agree to  entrust
   to an organization which offers all guarantees of impartiality and
   efficacy the duties incumbent on the Protecting Powers  by  virtue
   of the present Convention.
       When prisoners of war do not benefit or cease to  benefit,  no
   matter for what reason, by the activities of a Protecting Power or
   of an organization provided for in the first paragraph above,  the
   Detaining  Power  shall  request  a  neutral  State,  or  such  an
   organization,  to undertake  the  functions  performed  under  the
   present Convention by a Protecting Power designated by the Parties
   to a conflict.
       If protection  cannot  be arranged accordingly,  the Detaining
   Power shall request or shall accept,  subject to the provisions of
   this  Article,  the  offer  of  the  services  of  a  humanitarian
   organization, such as  the  International  Committee  of  the  Red
   Cross,   to   assume   the  humanitarian  functions  performed  by
   Protecting Powers under the present Convention.
       Any neutral  Power  or  any  organization invited by the Power
   concerned or offering itself for these purposes, shall be required
   to  act  with  a  sense of responsibility towards the Party to the
   conflict on which persons  protected  by  the  present  Convention
   depend,  and  shall  be  required to furnish sufficient assurances
   that it is in a position to undertake  the  appropriate  functions
   and to discharge them impartially.
       No derogation from the preceding provisions shall be  made  by
   special agreements between Powers one of which is restricted, even
   temporarily,  in its freedom to negotiate with the other Power  or
   its  allies by reason of military events,  more particularly where
   the whole,  or a substantial part,  of the territory of  the  said
   Power is occupied.
       Whenever in the  present  Convention  mention  is  made  of  a
   Protecting Power, such mention applies to substitute organizations
   in the sense of the present Article.

                               Article 11

       In cases where they deem  it  advisable  in  the  interest  of
   protected  persons,  particularly in cases of disagreement between
   the  Parties  to  the  conflict   as   to   the   application   or
   interpretation  of  the provisions of the present Convention,  the
   Protecting Powers shall lend their good offices  with  a  view  to
   settling the disagreement.
       For this purpose, each of the Protecting Powers may, either at
   the  invitation of one Party or on its own initiative,  propose to
   the Parties to the conflict a meeting  of  their  representatives,
   and  in particular of the authorities responsible for prisoners of
   war, possibly on neutral territory suitably chosen. The Parties to
   the  conflict  shall be bound to give effect to the proposals made
   to them for this purpose. The Protecting Powers may, if necessary,
   propose  for  approval  by  the  Parties  to the conflict a person
   belonging to a neutral Power,  or delegated by  the  International
   Committee  of the Red Cross,  who shall be invited to take part in
   such a meeting.


                               Article 12

       Prisoners of war are in the hands of the enemy Power,  but not
   of  the  individuals  or  military  units  who have captured them.
   Irrespective of the individual responsibilities  that  may  exist,
   the Detaining Power is responsible for the treatment given them.
       Prisoners of war may only  be  transferred  by  the  Detaining
   Power  to a Power which is a party to the Convention and after the
   Detaining Power  has  satisfied  itself  of  the  willingness  and
   ability  of  such  transferee Power to apply the Convention.  When
   prisoners  of  war  are  transferred  under  such   circumstances,
   responsibility  for the application of the Convention rests on the
   Power accepting them while they are in its custody.
       Nevertheless if  that  Power fails to carry out the provisions
   of the Convention in any important respect,  the Power by whom the
   prisoners  of  war were transferred shall,  upon being notified by
   the Protecting Power,  take  effective  measures  to  correct  the
   situation  or  shall  request  the return of the prisoners of war.
   Such requests must be complied with.

                               Article 13

       Prisoners of war must at all times be  humanely  treated.  Any
   unlawful  act  or omission by the Detaining Power causing death or
   seriously endangering the health of  a  prisoner  of  war  in  its
   custody is prohibited, and will be regarded as a serious breach of
   the present Convention.  In particular,  no prisoner of war may be
   subjected  to  physical  mutilation  or  to  medical or scientific
   experiments of any kind which are not justified  by  the  medical,
   dental or hospital treatment of the prisoner concerned and carried
   out in his interest.
       Likewise, prisoners  of  war  must  at all times be protected,
   particularly against acts of violence or intimidation and  against
   insults and public curiosity.
       Measures of reprisal against prisoners of war are prohibited.

                               Article 14

       Prisoners of  war are entitled in all circumstances to respect
   for their persons and their honour.
       Women shall  be  treated  with all the regard due to their sex
   and shall in all cases benefit by treatment as favourable as  that
   granted to men.
       Prisoners of war shall retain the full  civil  capacity  which
   they enjoyed at the time of their capture. The Detaining Power may
   not restrict the  exercise,  either  within  or  without  its  own
   territory, of the rights such capacity confers except in so far as
   the captivity requires.

                               Article 15

       The Power detaining prisoners of war shall be bound to provide
   free of charge for their maintenance and for the medical attention
   required by their state of health.

                               Article 16

       Taking into   consideration  the  provisions  of  the  present
   Convention relating to rank and sex, and subject to any privileged
   treatment  which  may be accorded to them by reason of their state
   of health,  age or professional qualifications,  all prisoners  of
   war  shall  be  treated alike by the Detaining Power,  without any
   adverse distinction based on race,  nationality,  religious belief
   or political opinions, or any other distinction founded on similar

                          PART III. CAPTIVITY

                               Section 1

                         BEGINNING OF CAPTIVITY

                               Article 17

       Every prisoner of war,  when questioned  on  the  subject,  is
   bound  to  give  only his surname,  first names and rank,  date of
   birth, and army, regimental, personal or serial number, or failing
   this, equivalent information.
       If he wilfully infringes this  rule,  he  may  render  himself
   liable  to a restriction of the privileges accorded to his rank or
       Each Party  to  a  conflict is required to furnish the persons
   under its jurisdiction who are liable to become prisoners of  war,
   with  an  identity card showing the owner's surname,  first names,
   rank,  army,  regimental,  personal or serial number or equivalent
   information,   and   date   of   birth.  The  identity  card  may,
   furthermore,  bear the signature or the fingerprints,  or both, of
   the owner,  and may bear, as well, any other information the Party
   to the conflict may wish to add concerning  persons  belonging  to
   its armed forces.  As far as possible the card shall measure 6.5 x
   10 cm.  and shall be issued in duplicate.  The identity card shall
   be shown by the prisoner of war upon demand, but may in no case be
   taken away from him.
       No physical or mental torture, nor any other form of coercion,
   may  be  inflicted  on  prisoners  of  war  to  secure  from  them
   information  of any kind whatever.  Prisoners of war who refuse to
   answer may not be threatened,  insulted,  or exposed to unpleasant
   or disadvantageous treatment of any kind.
       Prisoners of war  who,  owing  to  their  physical  or  mental
   condition,  are  unable  to state their identity,  shall be handed
   over to the medical service.  The identity of such prisoners shall
   be established by all possible means, subject to the provisions of
   the preceding paragraph.
       The questioning  of prisoners of war shall be carried out in a
   language which they understand.

                               Article 18

       All effects and articles of personal use, except arms, horses,
   military  equipment  and  military documents,  shall remain in the
   possession of prisoners of war,  likewise their metal helmets  and
   gas  masks  and  like  articles  issued  for  personal protection.
   Effects and articles used for  their  clothing  or  feeding  shall
   likewise  remain  in  their  possession,  even if such effects and
   articles belong to their regulation military equipment.
       At no  time  should  prisoners  of  war  be  without  identity
   documents.  The Detaining Power shall  supply  such  documents  to
   prisoners of war who possess none.
       Badges of  rank  and  nationality,  decorations  and  articles
   having  above all a personal or sentimental value may not be taken
   from prisoners of war.
       Sums of  money  carried  by  prisoners of war may not be taken
   away from them except by order of an officer, and after the amount
   and  particulars  of  the  owner  have  been recorded in a special
   register and an itemized receipt has been given, legibly inscribed
   with  the  name,  rank  and  unit  of  the person issuing the said
   receipt. Sums in the currency of the Detaining Power, or which are
   changed  into  such  currency at the prisoner's request,  shall be
   placed to the credit of the  prisoner's  account  as  provided  in
   Article 64.
       The Detaining  Power  may  withdraw  articles  of  value  from
   prisoners of war only for reasons of security;  when such articles
   are withdrawn, the procedure laid down for sums of money impounded
   shall apply.
       Such objects,  likewise sums taken away in any currency  other
   than  that  of the Detaining Power and the conversion of which has
   not been asked for by the owners,  shall be kept in the custody of
   the  Detaining  Power and shall be returned in their initial shape
   to prisoners of war at the end of their captivity.

                               Article 19

       Prisoners of war shall be evacuated, as soon as possible after
   their  capture,  to  camps situated in an area far enough from the
   combat zone for them to be out of danger.
       Only those prisoners of war who,  owing to wounds or sickness,
   would run greater risks by being evacuated than by remaining where
   they are, may be temporarily kept back in a danger zone.
       Prisoners of war shall not be unnecessarily exposed to  danger
   while awaiting evacuation from a fighting zone.

                               Article 20

       The evacuation  of  prisoners  of war shall always be effected
   humanely and in conditions similar to those for the forces of  the
   Detaining Power in their changes of station.
       The Detaining Power shall supply  prisoners  of  war  who  are
   being  evacuated with sufficient food and potable water,  and with
   the necessary clothing and medical attention.  The Detaining Power
   shall  take all suitable precautions to ensure their safety during
   evacuation,  and shall establish as soon as possible a list of the
   prisoners of war who are evacuated.
       If prisoners of war  must,  during  evacuation,  pass  through
   transit  camps,  their  stay  in  such  camps shall be as brief as

                               Section II


                    Chapter I. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS

                               Article 21

       The Detaining  Power  may  subject   prisoners   of   war   to
   internment.  It  may impose on them the obligation of not leaving,
   beyond certain limits, the camp where they are interned, or if the
   said  camp  is  fenced  in,  of  not  going outside its perimeter.
   Subject to the provisions of the present  Convention  relative  to
   penal and disciplinary sanctions, prisoners of war may not be held
   in close confinement except where  necessary  to  safeguard  their
   health  and then only during the continuation of the circumstances
   which make such confinement necessary.
       Prisoners of war may be partially or wholly released on parole

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